HLR Presentation Video
Watch HLR member Nicholas Kevlahan present the case for light rail in Hamilton.
Watch HLR member Nicholas Kevlahan present the case for light rail in Hamilton.
I traveled the world for work for nearly 15years. I’ve probably been in over a hundred cities; successful ones, rust belt ones, tourist traps, developing world. My experience tells me that cities that invest smartly in higher order transit simply compete better. Way more large international businesses = way more job opportunities. We Hamiltonians have never been afraid of competing or adopting new ways of doing things... so why have we been putting off giving ourselves a new competitive advantage?
Some people are trying to say those of us who live in Stoney Creek or the rest of the ‘burbs don’t want this but they certainly don’t speak for all of us (maybe not even most of us). We love our city or we wouldn’t live here. A lot of us in Stoney Creek do support LRT in the Hammer because success anywhere in this town is a success for our town, we all benefit.
C’mon folks we’re 40 years late. Go go go.
Let's Get Rolling on Hamilton LRT
Almost three years since the LRT funding announcement, the procurement process has not even started yet.
No More Hamilton LRT Delays
More than two years after the LRT funding announcement, the construction process has not even started yet.
Full Steam Ahead on LRT
In a resounding 11-3 vote, Hamilton City Council voted today to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Metrolinx to build the Hamilton LRT.