Click here to read the full statement from Hamilton Light Rail
Show your support for LRT
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Click here to read the full statement from Hamilton Light Rail
Additional statements are currently closed.
Hey I very frequently take HSR from DUNDAS to Hamilton General Hospital for work. I very much support the light rail initiative.
My son had an accident last year and was wheelchair bound for 6 months - thankfully recovering now. It really shone a light on what life is like for people who use wheelchairs and mobility issues. LRT would be a massive help as they board at the same level as the vehicle, no more driver assisted ramp requirements, or only 2 wheelchair capacity like most busses have.
You can definitely tell from how people voted in Ward 13 for Mayoral election - we voted overwhelmingly for mayors who support LRT.
Let's Get Rolling on Hamilton LRT
Almost three years since the LRT funding announcement, the procurement process has not even started yet.
No More Hamilton LRT Delays
More than two years after the LRT funding announcement, the construction process has not even started yet.
Full Steam Ahead on LRT
In a resounding 11-3 vote, Hamilton City Council voted today to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Metrolinx to build the Hamilton LRT.