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Walkable neighbourhoods: Key to Hamilton's creative industries

Posted May 09, 2012

A Spectator report on a new study by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce finds that walkable streets and high quality transit should be viewed as investments in economic development.

"The report used mapping software to measure how easily people can walk to amenities in their neighbourhoods.

"'It measures how realistically you could live your life within a walkable radius,' said report author Paul Shaker, executive director of the Hamilton-based nonprofit Centre for Community Study.

"Creative business provides jobs, can renew neighbourhoods, and attracts young and skilled workers, he said.

"The study also measured neighbourhoods by transit availability. While no specific neighbourhood ranked in the top transit category, most in the lower city with high walkability and creative industry growth also ranked high for transit.

"It called for further transit infrastructure, including LRT."

You can read the entire article.

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