The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

Momentum is Building

Posted June 13, 2016

It's getting harder and harder to claim that support for Hamilton's light rail transit (LRT) system is not broad and robust. A large and growing coalition of businesses, business associations, trade associations, neighbourhood associations, civic organizations and other groups - over 80 120 168 organizations already and still growing - is putting its collective support for LRT on the table.

Ine the past week, we have also seen detailed arguments for LRT by the Hamilton Halton Home Builders Association, Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Ward 1 Councillor Aidan Johnson

Please do your part:

Send your own message of LRT support to Council

If you haven't already, add your statement so Council hears loud and clear from Hamiltonians:

Please be sure to use respectful language - we don't want to alienate councillors who may be on the fence.

Share this campaign

Let your friends and associates know about the Hamilton Light Rail campaign and ask them to consider supporting it as well.

Local media

Write a letter to the editor in The Hamilton Spectator or the Hamilton Community News - especially if you live on the mountain or suburbs and recognize the value to the communiy as a whole.

And don't forget talk radio.

Social media

Make sure to share your support on social media and circulate this campaign among your friends and associate networks - we need to keep broadening the base of support throughout this critical period of uncertainty.

Making a difference

Slowly but surely, the tide is turning on Hamilton's LRT plan. It is difficult to think of any other initiative with such strong and diverse support - from the City, the Province - with full capital funding! - and a wide array of organizations representing business, environmental, cultural, social and community interests.

The arguments against LRT are based on fear, confusion and divisiveness, while the case for LRT is grounded in strong evidence and broad public interest.

Please help keep the pressure on Council to remember its own long history of support for this transformative initiative and accept yes for an answer!

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