The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

Council Voted to Move Forward on LRT 45 Times Since 2008

Posted October 21, 2016

  1. PW08043: By-law Respecting Provincial Funding for Rapid Transit, Bike Racks and Bike Parking, Council vote on April 23, 2008
  2. PW08043(a): Transit Feasibility Study - Public Consultation Update, Council vote on June 25, 2008
  3. PW08074: Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan Process and "Quick Win" Service Enhancements - "A-Line" and "B-Line", Council vote on June 25, 2008
  4. PW08043(b): Transit Feasibility Study - Public Consultation Update, Council vote on September 24, 2008
  5. PW08043(c): Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Phase 2, Council vote on October 15, 2008
  6. PW08043(d): Rapid Transit Feasibility Study - Metrolinx Draft Regional Transportation Plan, Council vote on October 29, 2008
  7. PW08043(e): Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan and Investment Strategy - Implications for Hamilton, Council vote on January 28, 2009
  8. PW09027/PED09097: (Confidential), Council vote on April 15, 2009
  9. PW08074(a): Rapid Transit Studies Project - Budget Increase for A & B Line Implementation Studies, Council vote on April 29, 2009
  10. PW09034: Rapid Transit Corporate Working Team Workshop, Technical Advisory Committee and Corridor Property Owner Meetings, Council vote on April 29, 2009
  11. PW09056: Benefits Case Analysis and B-Line Corridor Options, Council vote on May 27, 2009
  12. PW08043(f): Rapid Transit Feasibility Study, Phase 3 - Public Consultation Update, Council vote on September 16, 2009
  13. PW09085: Rapid Transit Procurement Procedures, Council vote on September 30, 2009
  14. PW09088: Contribution Agreement between Metrolinx and the City of Hamilton for Rapid Transit Studies, Council vote on October 14, 2009
  15. PW10014 : B-Line Underground Life Cycle Assessment, Council vote on February 10, 2010
  16. PW10048: Downtown BIA Letter, Council vote on June 09, 2010
  17. PW10050: Proposed Land Acquisition for Rapid Transit Confidential, Council vote on June 09, 2010
  18. PW08074(b): Quick Wins - Transfer of Funds, Council vote on January 26, 2011
  19. PW11020/PED11068: B-Line Planning, Design and Engineering, A-Line Feasibility and B-Line Nodes and Corridors Land Use Study, Council vote on April 13, 2011
  20. PED11125: B-Line Nodes and Corridors Land Use Planning Study and Mid-Rise Development, Council vote on July 07, 2011
  21. Motion: Request for Confirmation of LRT Commitment from the Province, Council vote on September 28, 2011
  22. CM11016/PW11064/PED11154/FCS11072: Conventional, Rapid and Inter-Regional Transit: Technical Land Use and Financial Considerations, Council vote on October 26, 2011
  23. Motion: Light Rail Transit (LRT) and GO Transit , Council vote on October 26, 2011
  24. PED11125(a): City Wide Corridor Planning Principles and Design Guidelines, Council vote on April 25, 2012
  25. PED12063: Main, King, Queenston (B-Line) Corridor Land Use Strategy, Council vote on April 25, 2012
  26. PW11064(a): Rapid Transit Maintenance and Storage Facility and Spur Line, Council vote on August 16, 2012
  27. Presentation: David Adames, President and CEO, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, respecting the City's 2013 Capital Budget, Council vote on December 12, 2012
  28. PW13014: Rapid Ready - Expanding Mobility Choices in Hamilton, Council vote on February 27, 2013
  29. Correspondence: Correspondence from Metrolinx respecting "The Big Move", Council vote on April 24, 2013
  30. FCS13002: Metrolinx - Regional Funding Tools, Council vote on May 08, 2013
  31. Motion: Re-Affirmation of Council's Position respecting Rapid Transit with Light Rail Transit (LRT) in the Eastgate to McMaster corridor as the Preferred Option, Council vote on May 08, 2013
  32. Motion: Implementation of Rapid Ready - Local Transit Service Improvements and Financial Strategy, Council vote on June 26, 2013
  33. FCS13002(a): Metrolinx Investment Strategy Update, Council vote on April 09, 2014
  34. Request: Request for Meetings with Transport Minister Glen Murray respecting Light Rail Transit, Council vote on April 23, 2014
  35. Motion: Implementation of the Action Plan contained on Pages 43 and 44 of the Rapid Ready Report, Council vote on June 25, 2014
  36. PW14015(a): Ten Year (2015 to 2024) Local Transit Strategy Presentation, Council vote on April 08, 2015
  37. Motion: A Citizen's Panel to Study and Report on Transit Options, Council vote on April 08, 2015
  38. CM15014: Fostering the Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project, Council vote on August 14, 2015
  39. PED15157: Interim Control By-laws - Certain Lands along Main Street West, King Street West/East, Queenston Road, James Street North - Light Rapid Transit (LRT) Corridor, Council vote on October 28, 2015
  40. Report: Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 15-001, Council vote on October 09, 2015
  41. Report: Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee Report 15-002, Council vote on January 20, 2016
  42. PED16042/LS16003: Light Rail Transit Memorandum of Agreement - City of Hamilton and Metrolinx, Council vote on February 10, 2016
  43. Correspondence: Correspondence from the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce respecting their LRT Task Force Draft Terms of Reference, Council vote on February 10, 2016
  44. PED16073: Light Rail Transit (LRT) Office and Administration Budget, Council vote on March 30, 2016
  45. PED16113: Light Rail Transit (LRT) Property Acquisitions - Real Estate Services Protocol, Signed September 16, 2016

LRT Facts: City Council has voted for Hamilton LRT 45 times since 2008

Source: Full List of Rapid Transit, Light Rail Transit Votes Since October 2006

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