The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

Statement by John Thompson

Feb. 14, 2013

I support LRT for the McMaster - Eastgate Square Corridor, provided potential patronage justifies the undertaking. The actual cost should be kept as low as possible and should not include the total cost of utilities relocation as this is work that would have to be done ultimately in any case. If a decision is made in the next few months, millions could be saved by adding the vehicle order onto that of Toronto and Kitchener with the supplier, Bombardier. Since the city already owns the land where she yard/shop would be built, that land cost need not be included. Although it would cost significantly more, the line should be tunnelled into the middle of the Mcmaster campus, rather than simply terminating in the middle of Main Street. Also, the eastbound and westbound tracks should be split between King and Main Streets in the downtown; King is too narrow at this point for double track, given that the tracks will be off limits to auto traffic, unlike the former streetcar line.

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