The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

Statement by Daniel Lynes

With traffic getting worse in Hamilton during morning Rush hour and especially afternoon rush hour into and out of the downtown core, LRT will make downtown Hamilton more vibrant and encourage people to visit downtown instead of just rushing through on its one way racetracks.

There is a lot of desire for businesses to build upwards in the downtown core, and an LRT line will only encourage more of that all along the LRT line (I've seen the effects of the sky train line in Vancouver. There's both good and bad, but the good far outweighs the bad.)

We see businesses come and go regularly in the downtown core. When it stops becoming a racetrack and becomes a destination (like it used to be), people will spend more time downtown, and a lot of young people will actually move downtown.

As a business owner in the downtown core, I find it a real challenge to find qualified people. LRT should have been the priority rather than the Go train. The GoTrain while useful for Hamilton seems to have been a boondoggle from the get-go. I have not seen a single GoTrain coming into or leaving the new station. The GoTrain encourages people to live in Hamilton and work elsewhere. The LRT on the other hand encourages people to work locally.

If you're on the fence about it, please come visit Hamilton. Talk to the young people who are the future of our city. Steel is our past; healthcare and technology are our future.

Hamilton has everything you would expect in a growing economy. High annual value of construction for commercial construction permits, a growing community of young people (a lot of them are former Torontonians that can no longer afford to live there), two exemplary ppst-secondary institutions, numerous grassroots organizations for Civic pride, business encouragement, the arts community, the technology community, ..., And a lot of Civic pride.

People are really starting to see Hamilton from the view of the 403 instead of from the Burlington Skyway Bridge.

Hamilton has had this upwards momentum for at least ten years now.

Do the right thing. Please invest in Hamilton's infrastructure to help build a great city into an even greater city.


Daniel Lynes
Hammer Software
M: 905-517-6570
O: 289-975-9000

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