Statement by Rita Bailey
Most people in Hamilton know that transit is a vital part of our future. But Hamilton's industrial tax base has been decimated in recent years. Our municipal tax rate is much higher than bigger cities like Toronto. We cannot afford to pay for transit through our taxes. Therefore, I ask that the Province agree to fund both the $302 million in local transit investment - of which $200 million will go toward a new bus maintenance and storage facility - and the $811 million in rapid transit investment.
This sounds like a lot, but It is actually in the Province's interest to do this:
It supports the Provincial Places To Grow legislation, which directs new growth to happen within the urban boundary.
It supports the Greenbelt, which protects rural and forest land from development.
It helps build Hamilton's tax base, reducing the need for the Province to send annual transfers to Hamilton to meet its budget.
It alleviates pressure to close urban schools and build new suburban schools, saving the Province money.
It reduces air pollution and encourages more active transportation, which helps the Provincial health care budget.
It alleviates pressure to increase capacity on area highways.
Finally, it fulfils the promise that the Province first made to Hamilton back in 2007.
Many people in Hamilton abandoned Andrea Horvath in the last election and stood behind Premier Wynne. Now we ask you to stand behind us.
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