Statement by Mark Rejhon
I'd like to remind you that this is a big opportunity for Hamilton.
Ottawa is getting a quick incremental LRT expansion -- in 2013 they approved Phase 2 (Ottawa -- and their Phase 1 doesn't finish till 2018).
This means Ottawa begin building Phase 2 IMMEDIATELY after Phase 1. So, please, be paitent and agree on LRT+HSR+GO. Hamilton's equivalent would be getting our Phase 2 approved by 2019, in order to achieve contiguous continuous construction after Phase 1.
Yes, we need city-wide HSR expansion. That's important and we must press for that, too.
But we cannot turn away a once-in-a-generation opportunity build the Hamilton LRT.
Yes, we have to begin somewhere.
Let's point out the B-Line is the only LRT route that actually reaches the biggest possible population on $1bn.
By Census 2011, 112,015 total population of 519,950 in Wards 1-4 -- almost 25% of population in an area under 10% of Hamilton area.
Please support LRT and a large HSR transit expansion to mesh with the LRT, as pointed out by the Hamilton Transportion Master Plan. "LRT ready" means keep moving forward on HSR, not holding back on LRT until HSR is ready.
GO, HSR, and LRT are not mutually exclusive. Please say YES to LRT too.
Mark D. Rejhon
Alain H. Bureau
Citizen Advocacy for Hamilton LRT
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