The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

Statement by Mark Rejhon


Here are photos of economic development booming DURING LRT construction in Kitchener-Waterloo:

On this construction tour, I met the mayors of Kitchener and Waterloo (Berry Vrbanovic and Dave Jaworsky), and Cambridge MPP Kathryn McGarry.

They explained and showed off the benefits of their LRT, and the good face they're putting on during construction. I took many photos for the article linked above.

..."Just like Google expanding in Kitchener-Waterloo thanks in part to the LRT, we have companies such as IBM expanding in Hamilton also thanks in part to our LRT and more companies will be coming to Hamilton. Our beautiful city must not give up the pursuit of our LRT to help us economically succeed, as our LRT doubles as both transit and economic development."

The economic boom in Kitchener-Waterloo caused by the LRT, even while it is under construction, is quite incredible.

Mark D. Rejhon
Alain H. Bureau
Citizen Advocacy for Hamilton LRT

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