The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

Statement by Jordan Kerim

Building a light rail tramway would be of major benefit to the city of Hamilton.

I understand there may be some opposition to building the tramway, however the long term benefits of building it would be of great value.

The low floor trams can carry far more people than any other kind of transit or road vehicle.

Building the tramway will also help attract real estate and commercial developent. Since the 1980s there has been a loss of jobs from the industry in the north end. I have witnessed the poverty situation of downtown Hamilton worsen since the early 1990s when I originally lived in the city.

Downtown Hamilton and downtown Toronto are also probably negatively affected by having both built the large modernist downtown malls that were both built in both cities, that being the Eaton Centre and Jackson Square. It is likely that demolishing these malls and putting back what was once there could help further for both cities with helping heal the urban fabric of both cities, but of course that is a subject matter off topic from the Light Rail issue being discussed here.

The light rail plan is definitely far greater than the previously proposed Hamilton Wentworth Rapid Transit proposal from 1981 or the GO ALRT inter regional rapid transit proposal from 1982. The light rail tracks will run along the street, there would be no disruptive elevated guideway of any sort.

It is important that work start soon. There is some chance that a new provincial government will be elected soon. If it is an Ontario PC provincial government they may move to terminate funding for the light rail project. That would be not good for the city's future.

I support the city's plan for the B Line Light Rail line and any further planned routes or light rail expansion. It is an investment in the city's future, one that will surely modernize the city further in what is now more of a post industrial era for the city of Hamilton.

- Jordan Kerim

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