All Statements of Support
Michael Hutchings says,
As a resident of East Hamilton, LRT is the best way to ensure a healthy future growth and reducing traffic loads in the City of Hamilton. It is the continuation of the ongoing transformation this city is undergoing and will help revitalize the King St. corridor and city center.
James Tilbury says,
It is about time our city took a step forward instead of two steps back. The LRT would be a great stimulus for the revitalization of the downtown core.
David Jenkins says,
LRT around the world is a proven economic generator. We need LRT B line in Hamilton. Fund it now.
Stephanie Ross says,
Hamilton needs the kind of transit that will contribute to economic development in the lower city that so many of our fellow citizens have been working so hard to generate. We deserve a system that will make efficient public transit alternatives meaningful and accessible to the east end. Don't let us down.
Laura Poole says,
LRT all the way. Hamilton is a fantastic city and an LRT will help establish more development in and around the city and increase tourism. More people will contribute to small businesses in Hamilton as they can spend more time in Hamilton rather than waiting on their commute. I, for one, live in Hamilton on weekends as I work in Toronto and this will allow me to live in Hamilton and become part of my community more.
Mara Adams says,
LRT is an important step in the process of creating a vibrant and economically diverse downtown area. We all benefit from that goal, but most especially the "suburbs" (from which I hail). Too many times we have passed over opportunity, or settled for something less than stellar. It is time to invest in our future and continue on the path of economic prosperity for Hamilton.
Chris Ewing-Weisz says,
If we want Hamilton to be a better city, we need better transit. The work has been done, the metrics are there. It's time to take the promised action.
Sonja Macdonald says,
It astounds me that despite a clear, reasoned, researched case for LRT that is broadly supported within our community, our local and provincial politicians are still dragging their feet on this. As taxpayers we are contributing to building the transit infrastructure across this province. It is only reasonable, and fair, that our city can also benefit from this much need provincial transit investment. It is time that Hamilton stops being left behind. It is the responsibility of our municipal leadership to fight for what we deserve, and it is more than time for our provincial representatives to advocate on our city's behalf to ensure we are at the front of the line for funding on transit. This is about supporting the dynamic change that is already being built in our city by citizens, neighbours and communities. Please uphold the promise to invest in Hamilton's future.
Jason Garner says,
Our city absolutely needs LRT!
Jeff Zuk says,
"Our intentions are completely clear. Rapid Ready is a comprehensive plan that specifies an LRT line running along the east-west corridor between McMaster University and Eastgate Square.
We have completed the Class Environmental Assessment, 30 percent engineering and detailed design and a complementary land use study for the route.
We've done everything the Province asked us to do."
Matt Pinder says,
Let's revive downtown and help change the dominant mode of travel there to something more sustainable!
LRT means less car trips which means less pollution, less traffic, safer roads, and less parking infrastructure required!
Paul Vicari says,
LRT should be considered a critical project to the future growth and prosperity of Hamilton. The province must stay the course and see this through.
Nick Shaw says,
Our mayor and council are dragging their feet. The debate is over. The studies are complete. The preliminary design work is finished. We are ready for progressive investment in high quality higher order transit in Hamilton.
Joanne McCallum says,
LRT in Hamilton is critical for the ongoing evolution of the city into a dynamic, robust and exciting urban environment, providing amazing opportunities for live, work and play in downtown Hamilton. Not to mention a huge boost to the city's tax base. This MUST happen.
Joanne Leach says,
Totally support the LRT in Hamilton.
Bob Leach says,
Hamilton needs Light Rail. We need it to remain competitive in attracting new business and residents to our city. An effective public transit system will attract riders and help to reduce our dependency on cars and at the same time help with the air quality. Hamilton needs Light Rail.
Michael Mercier says,
I believe that the best opportunity for an economic transformation for Hamilton as a whole, and especially for downtown Hamilton is via the development of an integrated regional and local transportation network that incorporates regional transit (all day, every day, express GO Transit service), local transit (a comprehensive bus network that feeds TWO major light rail lines, one running east-west, the other north-south), and alternative transit (dedicated and protected bike lanes, pedestrian zones, etc).
It is imperative that the provincial government fund these projects so that Hamilton can more fully contribute to the economic revival of Ontario.
Deborah Tompkins says,
It's way past time for Hamilton to catch up to where a city this size should already be on transit quality and efficiency. Bus Rapid Transit would be another in a long list of Hamilton's 'small-thinking' mistakes.
James Scarfone says,
LRT is one of the main reasons I bought a home in Hamilton.
Radha Menon says,
This is important for the development of Hamilton into a fist class world city. We need better and more efficient transit systems and MORE BIKE LANES!
We depend on you to make the right decisions. Please do not let us down.
Martin Kuplens-Ewart says,
Despite the denial evident in some of our elected leaders, Hamiltonians generally recognize that not all has been well in the city.
Despite the fear of change demonstrated by many of our elected leaders, a force of transformation has been propelling the city out of the doldrums and into what could be a bright future.
The LRT solves problems, frees up resources to improve service to other parts of the city, and gives hope that the province believes in places like Hamilton, not just the wealthy commuter cities closer to Toronto.
The LRT is part of Ontario's commitment to making cities like Hamilton engaging, functional, and relevant.
The B-Line LRT must be built.
Serafina Thoma says,
i remember so many times where HSR drivers just whip past people trying to catch the bus, or all the times they've stopped in the middle of a route for coffee and made us wait 5 minutes. we need another system that gets people fast from one side of stoney creek to dundas. It shouldnt have to take me almost an hour by bus when in that time i could have driven to Toronto. LRT will beat the hsr bus probably by half the time, and pick up way more people since our city is so densely populated now.
Adela Campello says,
We need reliable and environmentally friendly transportation in our city. Looking to the future, it's essential that we turn the tide.
Marc Risdale says,
The LRT is an important project that needs our full support. This could very well be the game changer that vaults us brilliantly into a blindingly bright future. Let's make this happen!
Justin Jones says,
The business case for LRT in Hamilton is clear: the ridership along the B-Line corridor is strong, the investment potential in downtown Hamilton is undeniable, and the benefits that an LRT could bring to the City far outweigh the costs. For Hamilton to truly succeed, it needs to offer residents quick, efficient and attractive transportation options, and an LRT system is the perfect way to begin constructing a Hamilton that is truly multi-modal. It's time for Hamilton to go back to its past, where the streets we teeming with life, where streetcars and pedestrians crowded the streets, and where businesses flourished. No more with the unimodal freeways through our downtown core, no more dithering and delays. The time to build the Hamilton that we want to see for the next 20 years is now, and the LRT sends a strong, clear message to both potential investors and new residents: Hamilton is doing things differently than its done in the past. Please stand behind the previous promises made, and build the transit system our City needs today and into the future. Thank you.
Stefan Murray says,
I fully support this plan. Thoroughly studied and broadly supported, LRT in Hamilton will continue to diversify the city economically, socially and promote an environmentally responsible transit solution.
Harley Carbary says,
I truly know deep in my heart that with LRT Hamilton will be that much better than Toronto. So many people rely on public transit in Hamilton and it got so messed up in Toronto. This is our chance to make something great and special.
Klaas Walma says,
LRT along East/West corridor levels playing field for all residents below escarpment in terms of making employment, merchants, businesses, and services accessible anywhere along the line. Reduces the need for auto traffic/parking. Increases walkability along corridor, increases reach of bicycles and thus reducing health hazards and safety while also increasing health benefits and fostering greater sense of community and inclusion.
Erin van Hiel says,
LRT has been shown to revitalize cities by making transit within them cheap, easy, and supportive of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Support the development of the Golden Horseshoe by bringing high-quality, linked transport networks to each of its cities!
Leanne Palmerston says,
Light Rail will be transformative for Hamilton. It will bring us into a future that we are only beginning to imagine. The economic oppourtunities it was create will be amazing for parts of Hamilton that have yet to get firmly on its feet.