The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

All Statements of Support

  • Craig Logue says,

    An LRT will not only dramatically improve transit in Hamilton, but it will lead to a revitalization of the downtown, as well as all along the route. An LRT is not just about the transit itself, but the economic development that it brings. It will allow Hamilton to finally realize the potential that exists, but has not yet been fulfilled.

  • Gabe Dangelo says,

    This is being built for the future not for today's generation.

  • Cathy McPherson says,

    Fulfilling our commitments and investing in the future:

    Our council has voted over 70 times to implement the LRT system and the last municipal election had people voting in favour of implementing this initiative. To stop this initiative now would create the impression to those who wish to invest in our city that we are unable to follow through on our commitments.

    Kitchener Waterloo has put in place their own LRT system which has attracted billions of dollars to that city. We need an LRT to: reduce pollution in our downtown core and to attract jobs and investment to our city after Covid is over. These jobs and investments benefit everyone in our city no matter where they live and are particularly important to young people in our community.

    We also need this initiative to address the aging infrastructure such as sewage and water systems under our roads which in the past has led to sewage flooding into Cootes Paradise. Let’s get moving on this project!!

  • John Rogers says,

    For once, Hamiltonians are being offered a hand up by the Federal and Provincial governments. This hasn't happened often during my lifetime as Hamilton is usually out of political sync with, and under represented at, the tables of power.

    This is an opportunity to reinvigorate our infrastructure while gaining world class public transit that is not on the backs of Hamilton taxpayers.

    Rails unite communities and last for lifetimes.

    Buses run on highways that divide communities while saddling those communities with the never ending high cost of replacement and depreciation.

    We have had this discussion. Conducted an election on the issue. The people have already spoken.

    For those alleged opponents seeking increased exposure at the expense of the people of Hamilton; consider that someday this debate will be history and your legacy will be judged accordingly.

    The finish line is in sight, try not to stumble before we reach it.

  • Rita Bailey says,

    Dear Councillors,
    By investing in LRT we are not just investing in green infrastructure and non-carbon transit. We are also investing in affordable housing, local business and jobs. Thousands of jobs. If an employer offered you that, you’d jump at the opportunity. Instead of asking “What will this cost to maintain?” Ask “How much tax revenue will this project generate ?”

  • Karen Schulman Dupuis says,

    Hamilton deserves to have a transportation system that will allow the city to grow as it’s already growing.

  • Shawn Chisholm says,

    I live on the mountain, but I don’t at all subscribe to the apparent “if LRT doesn’t come north south then it’s not worth doing” It’s not about the present movement of people but the future. LRT is an opportunity to build city infrastructure with more dense, walkable, affordable housing instead of the perpetual building out into the rural surroundings of Hamilton benefiting developers, big box retail, and those privileged enough to finance a detached home.

    I imagine a future where Hamilton sees more grown and service along that corridor where people live right now, and will come to live. More core development can only be of benefit to the city as a whole in terms of widening the property tax opportunities on already developed and serviced land rather than building suburban detached housing with a one-time development fee.

    It’s definitely time for Hamilton to embrace this opportunity with the funding offered.

  • David Dinnendahl says,

    Hamilton City Council - please vote to put this through. This project has been through so much for it to stop now. You've shown your support for this in the past so please finalize this. The big hurdles of federal and provincial government support have been overcome so let's bring this home!

    Having lived and travelled in cities with subways and LRT's - these are critical pieces of infrastructure that really bring a city together. Not to mention the economic benefits as well. Hamilton would heavily benefit from this project.

    As noted this is a shovel-ready project that has several early steps out of the way. Bring on an experienced team of designers and constructors and let's get building!

  • Elizabeth Avetissian says,

    Hamilton needs this to bring in businesses and industry.

  • Catherine Cox says,

    I fully support the LRT plan for Hamilton. Please do the right thing, which we have been waiting for for over a decade, and get it done!

  • Evan Haas says,

    This is a very important venture in our city, with way too many opportunities for outside funding that we have disposed of. Please understand the opportunity and potential of this for our city, and approve it to go forward, with no more grandstanding, saying "the Kitchener one looks ugly,"or questioning it. We are long past that. Work towards the economic and transportational good of this great city!

  • Gail Berberick says,

    We need to replace the old infrastructure, LRT done
    The roads need repaving, done
    Economic uplift, done.
    Increased tax revenue, done.
    Yes to LRT.
    NO to consultants, cover ups, law suits.
    Start spending our money wisely.

  • Michael Majcher says,

    - 7000 new, good paying jobs that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - increased numbers of affordable housing that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - renewed infrastructure that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - climate emergence and public transportation go hand in hand, and the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - much needed improved transit service for the spine of the greater Hamilton's BLAST network that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - development charge revenue for redevelopment along the LRT route that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - more property tax revenue from that higher density development built along the LRT route that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - increased housing densification on a transit line to help us meet our expected growth (rather than higher priced sprawl)that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    - an attractive, higher order of transit attracts residents and businesses leading to increased tax revenue that the greater Hamilton area will benefit from
    And I'm sure there are many other reasons why the greater Hamilton LRT project should move ahead.

  • Michael Walton says,

    Very pleased at recent events that suggest this important initiative is moving again.

  • Michael Korz says,

    As someone who works on Ontario's newest operating LRT Line, I can tell you this isn't about a train it's about growth both population and tax base, moving efficiently and in mass. This line will be busy from the start and all the work around it will be worth all the pain. Don't hmm and haw, this is more about you and what people think now it'll be worth it for the future

  • Stephen Smith says,

    The LRT is a huge win for Hamilton, it'll revitalizethe downtown and finally provide reliable east-west public transportation

  • zac willms says,

    As part of the younger generation of Hamilton and being born and raised here I think this is a perfect next step in the growth of our city. I know I will personally use the proposed LRT as a way to get around the city.

  • Ana Da Silva says,

    Please vote yes for LRT funding. A message to Councillors who are asking for a referendum on LRT, will you continue to ask for referendums until you get your preferred outcome. I think enough time, money and discussion has been spent on this issue, please lets move forward with this project.

  • Michael Neglia says,

    - Job creation
    - Economic opportunities
    - Affordable housing expansion
    - Meeting climate goals
    - Restoring decrepit infrastructure

    No more waiting, LRT now.

  • Nicholas Cook says,

    With the population increasing in the city every year and the population per square kilometre at an enormous amount and only going to increase more, there must be an efficient and coherent way to make travel more possible, all over Hamilton.

  • GaryDo the right thing for once. Dennis says,

    Do the right thing for once.
    Help pedestrians for a change.
    Turn The Hammer from a city made for the automobile and make it pedestrian-friendly, please.
    BTW 2-way streets are terrible.
    Especially when left-hand turns are allowed.
    I moved here from my hometown of Montreal 11 years ago. Since then you've screwed up the downtown and James North area by killing the west harbour stadium project. Why is this council afraid of progress. As a pedestrian with mobility issues, this city is far more dangerous than Montreal.

  • Rachel More says,

    There have been so many ups and downs with this that if we pass now it will a historic black mark of stupidity. In our last municipal election, widely seen as a referendum on LRT, the citizens of Hamilton overwhelmingly voted to move fwd into the future. After a difficult last two years we deserve to have that choice honoured and to become to accessible world class city we have the potential to be, and LRT is an integral part of that.

  • Darcy Bresnahan says,

    We are not going to get an infinite number of opportunities to get this right. We should jump at this latest offer of both Provincial and Federal money, put aside petty mountain and more rural ward differences and bring Hamilton into the 21st century.

  • JANET WILLMS says,

    It will make a substantial difference to Hamilton. Lets make it happen!

  • Theresa McCuaig says,

    Dear Mayor Eisenberger and City Councillors:

    Please decisively complete the LRT project you began more than a decade ago. Hamilton needs LRT to modernize, like Kitchener-Waterloo, and to provide jobs following the sweeping pandemic unemployment. It would be a great shame for the residents of expropriated houses along the proposed LRT route to have been evicted to no good end. My family will vote in the next municipal election based on the LRT breaking ground, as will many of my Ward 3 neighbours.

    Thank you for fulfilling your promise.

  • Erin Mallon says,

    It’s overdue. Make the right decision and approve the LRT. It’s the solution for people who live and visit Hamilton and it’s the right move for taking climate action in a city that has declared a climate emergency.

  • Rob Italiano says,

    Each government is contributing 50% of eligible project costs, up to $1.7 billion and the investment is designated for LRT only. This new transit system will offer frequent and reliable service from McMaster University in the west, through downtown Hamilton to Eastgate Square.

    We all know the tremendous benefits, but they are worth repeating: LRT will create 7,000 jobs, provide economic uplift, increase affordable housing, cut CO2 emissions and replace aging underground infrastructure. Further, this will be a very important post-pandemic stimulus project to help kick-start our economy.

    This is an "all-or-nothing" offer from the federal and provincial governments so the time for delay is over.

  • Richard Seguin says,

    It would be so stupid to not accept this massive funding. The city needs this! And wants this. Don't let the people who don't live in the Core ruin the Core. Don't mess this up Counsil.

  • Jason Wilford says,

    I wanted to voice my support for this project because ever since moving to Hamilton, I've been excited about actually having a proper well connected transit system here -- and the LRT is a great way to get started toward that goal. Unfortunately this has not come to fruition yet.

    Compared to other cities I've lived in, Hamilton's transit options are quite lacking -- to the point where I actually won't use the transit system but opt for using my car instead. This was not the case in other cities I have lived in.

    To move forward I think this city needs to not only think about the car, but also how people move around without a car. There have been good steps with cycling, and it's great to see people using the bike lanes (which are far safer than using a road) -- but transit seems stuck in the past.

    The LRT will boost the economy, update important infrastructure, and provide a great transit option from east to west. There is no point in waiting, and wasting the possible investment from both federal and provincial governments.

    I know the main concern from some councillors has been paying for maintenance costs -- but how much will it cost the city to not take this offer, and how much would it take to fund a project like this in the future using city money? It seems like a win-win for the future of this great city.

  • John MacMillan says,

    Every major city should be investing in light rail.