The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

All Statements of Support

  • Chris Hampson-Curtis says,

    Addressing climate change, contributing to transit diversity and equity, and bringing new value to the city are just some of the reasons the LRT project is so important for Hamilton.

    I sincerely hope Council votes to move ahead with Metrolinx so this long overdue project can finally get underway.

  • John Dunn says,

    Let's get on with the task of building the LRT and bring Hamilton into the 21st century!!!

  • Michael Walton says,

    Please ensure that this transit project moves forward. As a person who believes in the benefits public transit provides and a user of public transit I urge council to approve the MOU and get this project moving!

  • Dieter Klaus says,

    Not building the LRT with a gift of $3.4 billion would be the biggest blunder in municipal government and curtailing Hamilton's future development and all the benefits that will accrue.

  • David Wootton says,


    Please carry through with the last MOU. A change of government might again set back Hamilton's transformational L R T. Please get the shovels into the ground as soon as possible!!

  • Morgan Wedderspoon says,

    Fast and reliable public transit options will be essential as our city densifies and shifts away from individual fossil fuel burning vehicles. An LRT system is an investment in our future thriving that proactively responds to some of the threats of climate change. While we’re at it, let’s ensure that all modes of public transit are free.

  • Cora Muis says,

    Let's finally make our city friendly to all city dwellers, instead of car owners only.

  • Greg Schultz says,

    Please approve the MOU. Hamilton has been offered a fully funded light rail! Hamilton is a sprawling city. When I moved here 15 years ago and was attending McMaster university I also transferred to a starbucks store near Millen in Stoney creek. I almost dropped out of my nursing program and I blame in part the commute. While living near Gage park, my commute was an hour in each direction with several transfers. This system has not changed, if anything it is worse. Buses are aging, population is growing. Investment in the future of this city is needed. Please don’t be short sighted or focused on this election cycle. Consider the needs of the population, and the future inhabitants of this city. More public transit and environmentally friendly solutions need to be adopted. More investment in infrastructure needs to happen. Stop focusing on new mega housing developments for the rich and start focusing on the people who really need your attention, public housing, public transportation, healthcare. The inner city may be gentrifying but areas are crumbling. Thank you for your time.

  • Kari Dalnoki-Veress says,

    Please help bring our city into this century. We need better public transportation more than ever. The status quo is not sustainable. We are already paying the price for previous poor public transportation decisions, please support LRT.

  • Arden Bagni-Fast says,

    For the love of God, just get it done and stop wasting money flip flopping. It will be good for the city - more jobs, better transit, opportunities for more businesses to open with increased foot traffic, fewer cars on the road...

  • Michael Mulrooney says,

    The LRT will provide a safe and convenient and affordable way of getting across the city for folks who can’t or don’t want to drive. And those who do drive will have less congestion to deal with. And less pollution. Win/win/win!

  • Jake Pogoson says,

    Please approve the MOU.
    LRT will help all Hamiltonians especially us seniors.

  • Jake Pogoson says,

    Please approve the MOU.
    LRT will help all Hamiltonians especially us seniors.

  • Laurie Nielsen says,

    To say no to this gift would be a very bad decision. We've been given this golden opportunity to do something to combat climate change at the municipal level.

  • Karan Van Patter says,

    As a Senior I am waiting for the day I can hop on the LRT. Loved it when I lived in Calgary. Perfect way to travel.

  • Marion Brooks says,

    Please vote in favour of LRT Our city needs this for future generations

  • Eileen White says,

    LRT is great for Hamilton for the following reasons Environment improves by elimination of toxins from fuel powered vehicles. Brings a greater no. of people to downtown for work, shopping, business and entertainment. Parking lots that sit empty can be converted into housing, greenspace and playgrounds. Gardens that supply fruit & vegetables to people on low income would enhance their overall health and happiness. Sincerely Eileen White

  • David Kravinchuk says,

    The LRT is essential to Hamilton's equitable, sustainable and successful future. It's a catalyst for business investment and a strong, profitable economy. It's a driver of social good. Annual operating costs aren't even a factor when you count the tens of millions in needed infrastructure repair and upgrades that will come along with the construction of the line. And when studying similar, well-planned LRT systems around North America, including one operating less than an hour's drive away in Kitchener-Waterloo, the LRT will spur billions in development, leading to massive increase in property tax revenues. It's also a generational opportunity to build quality, accessible low-income, below-market and middle class housing, enough to actually reverse the troubling trend of waitlists, homelessness and housing insecurity. Plus after years of low or no major provincial and federal project funding, this is a guaranteed $3.4 Billion for our city. It's impossible for any person elected to represent the best interests of the citizens of Hamilton refuse this investment.

  • Joan Hobbs says,

    Looking forward to your positive vote for the MOU on Sept. 8...a historic day in Hamilton for sure...
    Our future looks bright! Thank you..

  • Peter Malysewich says,

    This is too important for councilors to be on the wrong side of history.

    The infrastructure replacement alone will cement your legacy so vote pro-LRT.

    We will remember who did.

  • Alex H says,

    Time to sign the MOU!!

    This development has BROAD public support - as usual politicians have created a wedge issue for their own benefit.
    Let's move forward with this pro-local, green, pro-jobs, and FREE city-defining project.

    Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.

  • Leonard Zvjerac says,

    Dear Council, I am asking all of you including Councillor Farr, To support the next step only if it is in our interest as the citizens and user of this new transit option. HSR modern streetcars will allow for more passengers to be transported from Midtown Hamilton to the beginning of the Eastend. It’s my hope that more buses operate out of Eastgate Terminal to support more connections and Transit options for people that live in the Mountain, Westend and Midtown to connect to the Eastend and the Beaches with more bus routes in the Eastend serving all of Stoney Creek with an HSR/ Niagara Region/ Go Transit Hub connection in Grimsby. Connecting more housing also to employment opportunities in the City of Hamilton or any other part of the GHA.

  • Joanne Turnell says,

    I support public transit.

  • Sergio Mendes says,

    The city needs these project

  • Lilly Noble says,

    Great news that the LRT is going to become a reality. It will look good on Hamilton as we start to electrify the city and address climate change with something so essential as public transit. Bravo, Hamilton!

  • Marion Thomson says,

    The LRT is progress! I have used the LRT in Dublin and it was very good and always busy.

  • Shelley Rempel says,

    It is very important to fund this clean, affordable means of transportation to ensure all citizens have access to reliable transportation.

  • Patrick Rose says,

    Please support the MOU for the Hamilton LRT project. It is important that we stay within our current urban boundaries and increase density to address climate change. Land use planning has some of the longest environmental impacts, and the LRT helps to lock in climate friendly growth patterns.

  • Annette Ray says,

    Chers représentants politiques
    C’est pour moi un honneur, un privilège et un devoir de soutenir le projet de LRT dans notre communauté de Hamilton. Un transporteur fiable, efficace et soutenu de tous les paliers des gouvernements est un besoin primordial pour une société plus juste, une économie renouvelable et une atmosphère plus congénitale au sein de la communauté, sans compter l’aisance des visiteurs. LRT sera pour nous de Hamilton un visage de progrès et d’ouverture à l’avenir, un profil d’accueil et d’intégration des nouveaux arrivants. LRT soutiendra également nos communautés artistiques en facilitant l’accès au centre-ville sans l’usage de voitures.
    Je vous remercie de faire lecture de mes réflexions.
    Annette Ray

  • George Overend says,

    I applaud your votes in support of this project. Thank you for making Hamilton a better city! I am so excited about this LRT development!