All Statements of Support
Christine Brown says,
Let us finally get on track with building this LRT. Thank you for supporting the Memorandum of Understanding. Clean, sustainable, electric transportation.
Majid Rismankar says,
Please go ahead and approve the LRT for Hamilton.
Alberto Guevara says,
Please vote yes to progress, yes to LRT.
Nic Webber says,
The Hamilton LRT is an important project for the over all success of the entire city. Please vote to move the project forward.
Warren KOROL says,
We have waited long enough. Do the right thing so shovels will get in the ground.
Steve Deady says,
Its so exciting that Hamilton will be elevating this area to a world class destination !!
Good job to all of the forward thinking !! -
Kyle Rozoski says,
Mass transit is the way forward. Please, enough talk, let's get this much needed public infrastructure project done. This will be part of your legacy. Once this LRT line is complete, we can look at Main St. and perhaps a James/Upper James line to our airport. Thank you for your time. Please get this project finally approved.
Ben Doro says,
We need the LRT!
Ratka Skorucak says,
For so many years spending money and time and no decisions. It is about time to finish it and start seriously working on LRT project. -
Kim Newcombe says,
Thank you for your continued support of the Hamilton LRT ! The benefits of this investment will be felt for years and by generations. This is a new chapter in our urban renewal, a transformative opportunity. Please vote to move this project forward.
Best wishes,
Kim Newcombe
Richard Robertson says,
Please stay the course and lets get this thing built!!
Fort Roberto says,
Let's get this done, Council. It's time to stop dithering and move this city forward.
Peter Elton says,
I am so excited about the new LRT that is coming to Hamilton. Not only will have positive effects on the dynamics of the great city of Hamilton but the benefits will extend to theGolden Horseshoe as a whole.
Let’s move it forward! -
John McAuley says,
Its a big day on September 8th for the future of Hamilton and public transport. The existence of a LRT is paramount to the success if Hamilton as a livable modern city. Delaying one of the key successful components to reversing global warming would be a huge mistake.
Vote "YES"
Cheryl Steeves says,
Please move forward with this, good for all.
Jeffrey Taylor says,
Come on folks on council, full "steam" ahead on the Sept 8th vote & lets get the LRT project finally going, I want to ride that thing before I leave this planet on the "Big LRT", make me, and this great city of ours, a happy camper please!
Casey Van Dijk says,
Hamilton City Council -
For the good of our great city move forward with this once in a generation opportunity to make a substantial improvement to our transportation situation. This will also have positive impacts on environment, economy and our overall community.
Thank you for making the right decisions! -
Isabel Belanger says,
I think the LRT is key to moving Hamilton onto a par with other great cities in the world. It's an opportunity to move people easily and quickly across Hamilton from east to west without the reliance on cars.
Ahmed Sheeno says,
Build that LRT!
Alissa Simard says,
To Whom it May Concern,
I am taking a moment as a resident of Hamilton in an area most impacted by the construction of the LRT to make sure that you do everything to move the LRT past this final hurdle.
The project has been funded. The LRT is needed for Hamilton to move forward, for our economy, to give people jobs in this horrendous pandemic environment as well as through it. The LRT is a logical response to the gentrification that you as politicians are welcoming into the downtown core for the sake of growing Hamilton. So please don't cripple Hamilton's evolution by stalling this project during it's last hurdle.
If you care about Hamilton at all, any of you in opposition need to put your feelings aside because stalling this project at this point in time and space works directly AGAINST Hamilton and it's best interests now and into the future. This is not about you. Please don't mess this up for Hamilton by voting against the LRT in this last hurdle. Let the LRT be built so Hamilton can become bigger and better not only for us but for future Hamiltonians. This is your legacy moment. Make the LRT happen.
Sean St Cyr says,
Donna Weldon says,
I am delighted to hear that progress on LRT continues and that this week you will be signing the Memo of understanding with Metrolinx! Hurray! It is greaa as t to see councils continued commitment to this project.
Donna Weldon -
Ian May says,
Please vote to approve this project as it will help people today and into the future.
Doug Niessen says,
It is not a matter of if the project will move forward but when. If we wait until when arrives it will cost the taxpayers a lot more than if we build it now. This project makes sense now when the demand and cost are bearable.
Theresa McCuaig says,
Thank you for completing Council's original bargain to bring LRT to Hamilton. Sign the second MOU, please.
Tom Weisz says,
The incessant dithering needs to stop. Let's get shovels into the ground already. Further delay just creates additional costs.
The workers of the city need the work, the city will benefit from the completion, and the additional benefits of improving hidden infrastructure will stand us in good stead for decades to come. We will manage the inevitable mess - we're not that whimpy of a city. -
Giulio Amodeo says,
My business has me advising real estate developers. Many projects being considered are contingent on the go-ahead of the LRT project. This is necessary to have Hamilton move forward. Please don't screw this up for the City of Hamilton.
Guntars Silders says,
Please support the LRT. Hamilton needs a alternative to the car.
Dean Fulton says,
Please move forward with the LRT for Hamilton. It's time for this progressive, environmentally responsible project to commence. Thank you
James Clairmont says,
PLEASE don't drop the ball this time. Hamilton needs LRT