The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

All Statements of Support

  • Peter Holmes says,

    LRT would make Hamilton great.

  • Jane Slote says,

    We need the proposed LRT to go ahead. There are many economic developments that will only take place if the LRT does. It is too costly and a complete waste of funds spent to abort it now.

  • Stavros Greer says,

    Canadian cities need more public transit. Hamilton is too big to have only busses.

  • Rebekah Driegen says,

    Hamilton needs LRT. It will provide so many jobs, a much needed boost to the economy and show the people that live here that our city is worth investing in.

  • Stephen Radovan says,

    This is vital to the future of Hamilton. It would be a horrible mistake to cancel this project.

  • Margaret Ferizis says,

    Australia is on fire. Climate change is a reality. It's time you pulled your head out Big Oil's arse and look around. LRTs are the way of the future. Subways are too costly and take too long to get done.

  • Sheelagh Wood says,

    The cancellation of the LRT is the worst kind of betrayal of the taxpayers of Hamilton who, in the mayoral election, gave a clear mandate for LRT. This betrayal is compounded by the cowardice of Caroline Mulroney who did not even possess sufficient courage to stand behind this purely political decision. Hamilton was promised a LRT and your magical, manufactured numbers will not change the fact that your government lied to the people you claim to be for. Time to reverse this decision as you’ve had to do with so many other ill-conceived and poorly thought out policies

  • Tom MacIntosh says,

    I strongly believe that the LRT is crucial to the future of Hamilton. It will promote smart growth and lead to walkable communities. Not funding it is a shortsighted, politically-motivated move that undermines the climate initiatives that our province has been striving to achieve.

  • Brent Shuter says,

    I currently go to Mohawk College for my education, and the moment I started living on campus was the moment I both fell in love with Hamilton and started to feel excited about the LRT. Hamilton ain't a great place to live, shop, or work. That much is true. That's why I wanted an LRT. It could incentivize businesses and developers to consider Hamilton as a place to build. So I was extremely disappointed to hear that Hamilton would not be getting an LRT, and that we would have to deal with a GO Train that only mostly goes up to Aldershot and a so-so at best Bus system. The cost doesn't matter to me, or for citizens of Hamilton. The opportunities for our city to grow are what matters to us. And taking away a system that could help a city grow is one that will negatively impact a cities future. We need to achieve a better tommorow. We need to bring back the LRT proposals as soon as possible, if at all. I'm counting on you to think wisely about this situation.

  • Rolfe Baltzer says,

    Please Doug Ford reconsider your position on Hamiltons LRT! Thank you, Rolfe Baltzer

  • David Colacci says,

    After a decade of planning, almost $200,000,000 invested, 70 properties purchased and an entire city buying in, it is downright irresponsible to pull the plug on this project before the RFPs are even presented.

  • Blair Waterous says,

    We want LRT!

  • Robert Empringhqm says,

    The future of Hamilton is not the LRT. It is forward thinking change makers that have the office to do so.

  • Brent Sobol says,

    As a public school teacher I know the benefits of affordable transit on the most vulnerable and marginalized students and residents of Hamilton. A robust and diverse public transit system has been needed for the last 10+ years. LRT is a substitute for a proper subway system, but measurably more impactful and efficient than the current or "proposed rapid bus system".

  • Marcus Putignano says,

    This city is growing and needs it to continue along that path.

  • Chantal Mancini says,

    Mr. Ford, your government needs to follow through on your election promise. Hamiltonians have waited too long for LRT. Do the right thing!

  • Michael Stauffer says,

    Too much time and money spent already! Hamilton wants this! Bring LRT to Hamilton!

  • Catherine Johnston says,

    My husband presented to Hamilton Council at a City Hall, why LRT was necessary for Hamilton to grow. He fought long and hard for everything he believed in to encourage and promote the growth of this incredible city. He passed away in May and is not here to see this disgrace of all of his and many many many others hard work gone to waste.
    LRT must be put back on the rails. There is no other solution. There is no other way. It’s been fought over, discussed, voted and plans have been all ready set.

  • Jennifer Lapointe says,

    I strongly believe that the LRT is crucial to the future of Hamilton. It will promote smart growth and lead to walkable communities. Not funding it is a shortsighted, politically-motivated move that undermines the climate initiatives that our province has been striving to achieve.

  • Joe McLaughlin says,

    The LRT will greatly benefit Hamilton. Ot will increase transit ridership which will reduce congestion and greenhouse gases. It will bring jobs. It will bring more development to the city.

  • Nick Fioravanti says,

    We need this and we need this now. Let’s be proactive instead of reactive.

  • Blair Doyle says,

    Ive lived in Hamilton for 30 years. A public transit user throughout. Clearly the light rail system offers a lot to existing travelers while attracting new users who otherwise feel bus systems are too inefficient and slow.

    I have seen my neighborhood flourish with hope and anticipation, new business starting to pop up..

    Then the buying up of property, boarded Windows with graffiti everywhere.. but that's worth the end game here. We who live here know this.

    Then the announcement came that it would be cancelled and of course we suspected it was fitting given the provincial government being what it is today.. inflating numbers, misdirection and a promise stolen from the public.

    Now my neighbor's talk of vacant buildings, drug dens returning after a decade or more of endless pursuit for neighbourhood improvement.

  • Cathy Huffman says,

    Keep your promises and be a man!

  • Erin Harvey says,

    Losing the LRT will cost the city millions of dollars in future businesses, housing/condo developments and tax payer dollars. The city voted for LRT, the province shouldn’t decide to cut it.

  • Franco Pedreschi says,

    Absolutely insane that were being held back by the very people who are supposed to be helping us grow.

  • Ryan Vandenhaak says,

    Keep your promise and build the LRT! Or at least don’t fabricate your reasons for cancelling the project.

  • Peter Moore says,

    It's a lot of money, yes. And the Province's finances are likely not in great shape, that's true. But to cancel a project like this after more than a decade of input from experts and citizens who want nothing more than progress for their city, is gutting.
    Give the city a chance to scale back the project, if need be, or request help from the Federal government before pulling the rug out from under us.
    It's not to late to reconsider. It would show the human side of politics and win points for the Progressive Conservatives.

  • Ryan Poole says,

    Cancellation of the Hamilton LRT project without any justification or transparency is unacceptable. In order to continue to develop as a city, including commercial development and growth of the tax base, it is critical that the LRT project continues. It's hard to view the actions of the current provincial government as anything other than shortsighted and petty.

  • Stephen Smith says,

    Hamilton is a city of forced amalgamation, parts are relentlessly suburban with low densities while the core city is truly an urban location that desperately needs quick, reliable, quiet public transit.

    While new highways will help a few, an LRT will help hundreds of thousands and revitalize an entire city. If the PC party ever wants to make in-roads into Hamilton, they have to show that the city matters to them and isn’t just a place that the party leader can insult.

    Build up a city, not tear it apart.

  • Richard VanEgmond says,

    We are longtime Hamilton residents who have seen the momentum created by the LRT project and the private investment it has attracted to our city. We urge you to revisit the recent decision to cancel the LRT and create a federal/provincial partnership with Hamilton municipal leadership to move this project forward. As Kitchener-Waterloo, Mississauga and other cities have shown, well executed LRT development have repaid government investment many times over in urban renewal, environmental and economic benefits. With close to $200 M already invested and more costs to follow in cancellation fees, completing the project is a better use of taxpayers dollars.

    Richard and Deborah Van Egmond
    Hamilton, ON