The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

All Statements of Support

  • Jeff Hayward says,

    Whether you're pro-transit or not, please support LRT. It will create countless jobs during construction, and then for operations. It will also stimulate new business/investment in the core, and provide another way for shoppers to easily navigate the downtown. There is proof that LRT will achieve these things from other recent projects. Ultimately the ENTIRE CITY will benefit from the revenue and investment generated by the project.

  • Catherine Ahern says,

    I am so excited about this opportunity for our great city!

  • Claudia Leduc says,

    Time to move forward with this initiative that will allow us to continue to breathe new life into this great city. Hamilton deserves your commitment.

  • Aaron Neal says,

    To be clear status quo in Hamilton is just not good enough. We need improved transit, more jobs, more investment in the core, more affordable housing, more density in the core and improved infrastructure. This does that, every single one of those boxes are checked. City council must support this plan for the good of the city. These improvements will be felt in every corner of our city.

    Turning down an investment of this magnitude would do damage for generations of Hamiltonians.

    Vote yes, yes, yes for LRT.

  • Patrick Wingert says,

    AI often go to Hamilton for work and pleasure and would find it valuable to have an LRT network to move about the city.

  • James Maggs says,

    Looking forward to finally moving forward on this project that has potential to usher Hamilton into a new era of economic prosperity and revitalization by allowing easier transportation and accessibility to the core from either end of the city!

  • Graeme Luke says,

    We need LRT in Hamilton. In addition to having a modern transit system we will also get a lot of deferred maintenance of city infrastructure which otherwise would need to be paid for from local tax revenue.


    LRT will bring a modern and effective central structure to Hamilton's transit system. Creating the necessary designated space for LRT will promote a more pedestrian-friendly route and reduce congestion chaos on the streets. I support it 100% and look forward to all of the benefits that other communities have experienced!

  • Al Huizenga says,

    It would be a shocking and shameful thing to turn down this level of investment in our community. At this point if you oppose LRT, you are calling into question your suitability as a Hamilton leader and a representative of its people.

  • Craig Carter says,

    I strongly urge our Hamilton City Councillors to move forward to develop the LRT project for Hamilton and all the positive economic, social and environmental benefits it brings to our city. Please - let's get going on this and work towards making Hamilton a stronger city led by a healthy downtown.

  • P Davison says,

    It's time to make Hamilton a 21st-century city -- the City it deserves to be. Even K-W has light rail now. We want this. Let's do it! And let's do it now! It should not take a decade to build a surface train line -- cities in Japan can do it in 18 months...

  • Edgardo Moreno says,

    We needed we want it. Nothing but good will come of it.

  • Paul Wilson says,

    The stars have aligned, and LRT is finally in sight. If we somehow sabotage this good fortune, it will be a blunder that hurts Hamilton for decades.
    Councillors, please think big and cast your vote for a project that will help our whole city soar.
    When the work is done, when we're riding the rails, when we see new life along the line, we'll wonder why on earth we waited so long. 

  • John Azulay says,

    Finally - Progress - Lets get it done. This project is one of the main keys to Hamilton's future. This is just a first step. Eventually a beltline to connect the airport, James St Go station, East mountain all the way to Binbrook and then back down to Stoney Creek.

  • Richard Moore says,

    I live in Glenbrook. I am fully in support of the LRT. It is a once in a generation opportunity that Hamilton cannot decline to accept

  • Valerie Louter says,

    I think it's critically important for Hamilton to invest in clean, sustainable transit that can meet the needs of all Hamiltonians now and especially into the future. We need to be forward-thinking for residents and for our planet! Please make this project happen and future generations will thank us!

  • Janis Topp says,

    We have lived in Hamilton for over twenty years. During too much of that time the LRT project has gone in circles. In the last municipal election majority support was given by the voters of Hamilton for LRT. The mandate is there. Now the capitol funds for LRT are there from federal and provincial levels of government. The studies have been done saying LRT is the best solution. Other Canadian communities are experiencing significant benefits from their LRT, as their studies predicted.
    Hamilton LRT... just do it - NOW!

  • Max Brett says,

    Yes to Hamilton LRT. This is a huge step in promoting decarbonization and much-needed infill development for our city.

  • Matt Edmonds says,

    I'm so excited for Hamilton's public transit system to get this much-needed upgrade. The funding is there and the research supports it - it feels like it's finally going to happen. I could not be more thrilled! Can't wait to see work get underway.

  • Thomas Belshaw says,

    I am tired of all the talk....LETS GET THIS LRT GOING NOWWWWWWW.

  • Norman Newbery says,

    BLAST will eventually transform Hamilton...but Start with the B Line...where we need more capacity and buses will not do it.
    Property has been purchased, planning is in place, failing infrastructure such as water and sewer mains on King St will be replaced at no charge to the city and the Longwood Road Bridge over the 403 will also be replaced. Counselors please do what is best for the city as a whole and say yes to the LRT.

  • Corina Hitchcock says,

    as a resident of Ward 3 in Hamilton who does not drive, please build the LRT.

  • Roli Pogoson says,

    Please do not delay. Approve it immediately! Hamilton needs it! This is a great city that deserves the LRT! Thank you!

  • Mike Brook says,

    I have seen first hand the benefit in cities like Lyon and Montpellier, France experienced when they (re)installed trams. Both cities opened up and, based on success of a single line have added more.

    Hamilton needs to start to establish electrified infrastructure that is fast efficeint and will balance needs for individual cars - Uber is nto the solution. Light rail is. In 50 years, this network will be the precursor to a subway.

    Mike Brook

  • Jake Pogoson says,

    Please make our LRT project a reality ASAP

  • John Clinton says,

    I can't think of a situation that would cause me to not support this.

  • John Thompson says,

    It is vital to Hamilton's future that the McMaster-Eastgate LRT line be approved by Council. When considering costs for operating and maintaining the LRT, in negotiations remember these considerations"
    LRVs do not need to be licenced, a major expense for buses; their steel wheels last much longer than rubber tires; ne LRV operated by one person can hold about 250 passengers; an LRV will last for at least 30 years with good maintenance; a bus about 10; Metrolinx will pay for repaving King and Main Sts;, the new Longwood bridge, Frid St. When the LRT opens, dozens of buses and drivers will be available for other routes, saving the HSR the cost of new buses and drivers; tracks, once in place, require minimal maintenance for many years, same with the overhead wires.

  • Hugh MacLeod says,

    I am hopeful Hamilton will finally get light rail despite itself. I work in KW and live in Hamilton. I am a regular user of the Ion LRT in KW. The Ion LRT is a great addition to the rapid transit plan for that city.

    Future generations of Hamiltonians will benefit from this rapid transit spine.

    I support this project again, and again and again and again.

  • Jack Van Impe says,

    Let's turn LRT merry go round into a real transit option.

  • Kyle Conway says,

    Hamilton is at the tipping point for real progress, LRT may very well be the catalyst that tips the scale and starts some real change momentum. Public transportation is a big driver for economic and societal change. It needs to exist, we are obligated as a municipality and a society to provide. However we shouldn't just provide the bare minimum, we need to think beyond with a fully planned and gov-supported LRT project to provide citizens an equitable and dignified way to navigate their City for work and life. Let's drag Hamilton out of the past and into the future. #YesLRT