All Statements of Support
Kenneth Raddatz says,
Get it done.
Tom Shea says,
Light rail is a crucial step towards building a viable future for Hamilton. Short-term inconvenience is well-worth the long term benefits. Turning down this funding opportunity is saying no to a progressive future.
Kathleen Beckett says,
we need lrt
David Jenkins says,
LRT is important for Hamiltons future. Needs support from council.
Sean Hurley says,
“What is the difference between a living thing and a dead thing? In the medical world, a clinical definition of death is a body that does not change. Change is life. Stagnation is death. If you don't change, you die. It's that simple. It's that scary.”
― Leonard Sweet -
Nancy Martin says,
Just move on.
Chris Knapp says,
The LRT is a vital piece of infrastructure to improve public transit and allow the city centre to continue it transformation that has been a looooooong time coming since I first moved here in 1978. We are so close to transforming the city back to something we can all be proud of.
Vote YES. Get it done. -
Eileen White says,
1..SO 5 Reasons---#1-Environment--Less cars downtown #2--Increased new business--more shopping choices---# less parking lots needed----potential for developing housing downtown---#4--More Live theatre and entertainment + fine dining--more inviting to Tourism-----#5---Increased mobility for seniors----Seniors could Live-Shop-Attend Theatres-Find services ALL in downtown within walking distance--Riding L.R.T. far superior to riding buses !
Rhiana Ehara says,
The LRT is an important investment in Hamilton, with money coming from the province. It would be shortsighted to turn down this opportunity!
Alan Bourke says,
The LRT is needed in order to move Hamilton into the 21st century. It is short-term pain for long-term gain.
Janice Brown says,
The future is now!
John Treen says,
I voted for a councillor promoting LRT
Derek Gamlem says,
Hamilton would be crazy to pass on this.
Hamilton will remain in the transportation dark ages, while the Kitchener-Waterloos, Brampton-Mississaugas, Ottawas, and other communities move into the 21st century.
Passing on this will send a strong message to innovative, forward-thinking business not to establish themselves in Hamilton.
Justin Coombs says,
I've never seen such a transgression in Hamilton for all the years I've lived here. Thirty-one years. The downtown regions are changing, changing a lot faster than one can even adjust to. These changes are much needed. You know, I hate how Barton Street has looked for 30 years. But I have hopes that it will change.
Six to seven years prior, it was just the Hamilton that I've seen for the decades, the Hamilton I've been succumb to. The same old Barton Street, James Street, Cannon Street, Main Street. Bayfront Park, Ivor Wynne Stadium,
Currently we're faced with more people than I've ever seen, many people at different income levels which are bringing even more jobs and services. If we want retention and validity of the people in response to better transgression and economic development of this city, we're going to need the infrastructure in-support of people wanting to stay here to live, work, and play.
Not going forward with the plan for LRT would hamper the developmental stages we're currently facing. We need the new infrastructure to sustain the precedented change that is currently happening.
Not going forwarded would mean less food on the table for everyone. More accumulative taxes with the same old Hamilton we've had for decades.
Not going forward would mean no retention of people, or jobs.
Not going forward would mean educated, and skilled people moving out of city.
Not going forward would mean a Hamilton Ontario that I would not want to see.
We need a burgeoning city that supports life and lesson, a place of retention for people who are educated or are being educated, for people who are skilled or who are learning a skill. A place for the artist to also flourish and benefit from their surroundings. A place for the artist to feel the need to put a brush stroke to canvas in a way they feel entitled to and to complete their works. From mindset to paper.
Supporting an equal playing-field for all starts with a plan for economic development as a baseline, structured from the minute plans are negotiated to unearth the soil building the foundation. The foundation starts with the retention of the people.
We need a Hamilton that supports all income levels, a city that also gives a good chance for change.
No adaptive conciliation, no compromise for LRT would be the worst possible choice and would destabilize our future moving forward.
Lynda Lukasik says,
I strongly support LRT for Hamilton - and only wish that Phase 1 of the project was going to bring the LRT right to my Ward 5 neighbourhood - and the Eastgate Transit Hub. LRT is a fantastic opportunity for Hamilton's economic future, and our ability to move around sustainably (including the ability of our aging population to move around on a barrier free system!!).
Graeme Luke says,
I support LRT. It will make Hamilton a better city.
Martin Kuplens-Ewart says,
As we look to the next 10+ years it is clear that we need to not only cover the basic requirements of moving our existing population, but prepare for growth. The future of our city will be built on the back of the modern infrastructure that we choose to implement today.
Crucially, we must develop an identity as a forward-looking, modern city, not one stuck in the 'good old' days of unlimited employment at the old steel mills.
The high-tech transformation of Ontario is well underway, with hubs in Toronto and Waterloo. Though it may not seem like it, the LRT project is an essential step toward establishing ourselves as part of the vital Toronto-Hamilton-Waterloo hub, and not just yet another town bypassed along the way.
I urge you to continue your support of this exciting project and to work to realize the exciting possibilities in our future rather than surrender to fear and cling on to a fading past.
Michael Moniz says,
I may live in an outer Hamilton suburb but I seethe business and city building case for LRT on the B line. I fully support LRT for Hamilton!
Rick Raposo says,
LRT is a MUST for this city at this point!!!!!
Chris Ive says,
STOP BLOCKING PROGRESS. Our council has let us down too often, dont let this happen.
Doreen Stermann says,
Council, this was already please just move on, better yet have it extend all the way to Eastgate. Be progressive and lead!!!
Mark Rejhon says,
Here are photos of economic development booming DURING LRT construction in Kitchener-Waterloo:
On this construction tour, I met the mayors of Kitchener and Waterloo (Berry Vrbanovic and Dave Jaworsky), and Cambridge MPP Kathryn McGarry.
They explained and showed off the benefits of their LRT, and the good face they're putting on during construction. I took many photos for the article linked above.
..."Just like Google expanding in Kitchener-Waterloo thanks in part to the LRT, we have companies such as IBM expanding in Hamilton also thanks in part to our LRT and more companies will be coming to Hamilton. Our beautiful city must not give up the pursuit of our LRT to help us economically succeed, as our LRT doubles as both transit and economic development."
The economic boom in Kitchener-Waterloo caused by the LRT, even while it is under construction, is quite incredible.
Mark D. Rejhon
Alain H. Bureau
Citizen Advocacy for Hamilton LRT -
Frances Murray says,
The construction will cause temporary pain, but please take the long view -- LRT will be good for our city as it has for other cities around the world.
Can we afford not to do this?
Graham Crawford says,
$1 billion invested in modern infrastructure is a major win for Hamilton. To question whether or not to take the offer is unconscionable, in my view. Let's see now, take the billion or take zero, create significant tension between Hamilton and the provincial government and fund all transit improvements through municipal taxes. It's the height of irresponsibility. It's not as if the provincial government is wanting to invest a billion in an open pit mine in Hamilton. It's modern, efficient and sustainable rapid transit. And we need it. So do our kids.
Will Edwards says,
We simply need to accept the generosity of the province and make full use of their offer for infrastructure investment to prepare Hamilton for the next decades of growth.
Failure to act will have catastrophic consequences in the long run and will notably diminish the future of this city.
Jeffrey Hannaford says,
It defies all logic that council would still be waffling on accepting and supporting this incredibly important infrastructure project. Are we really going to sabotage this city's future? Please exhibit the leadership appropriate to your position, members of council!
Tina Fetner says,
Efficient, low-cost public transit is an obvious public good. It promotes economic development, reduces carbon emission, and reduces inequalities by reducing the costs of access to work, shopping, and leisure. Building an LRT that is $1billion funded by the taxes we've paid to Ontario is a no-brainer benefit to Hamiltonians of all stripes, whether or not they'll use the LRT. By increasing the city's infrastructure and promoting development, all of us will benefit by an enriched tax base. I encourage all the Hamilton City Councillors to vote YES to support the LRT.
Tracy McGregor says,
Light Rail Transit is crucial for the future of Hamilton and our downtown revitalization. There may be some pain to get there Hamilton, yet it will be so worth it in the end. Let's keep our young people living, working and shopping in the downtown core while providing them ways to efficiently get around! 100% support from me for LRT!!
Dave Beynon says,
Stop playing games with the LRT and get on with building it.
Jeffrey Smallwood says,
This is something our city needs. We need to either piss or get off the pot. No more dicking around on this. Past council made the committment. If present council cant decide perhaps they should all resign n lets havd an early election and get people in there that has the city in their 100% best interest.