The City's LRT plan has $3.4 billion in federal & provincial funding. Show your support for the plan.

All Statements of Support

  • Arun Jacob says,

    An affordable and forward looking city needs to invest in its infrastructure.

  • Frances Neufeld says,

    Living in Dundas it is apparent that we need to unite Metro Hamilton, and the bus lines aren't enough. This first LRT line will do this, in part, and the next investment should be towards uniting upper Hamilton with the main city with LRT. The LRT can be more efficient, easier for handicapped people, and seniors, and environmentally friendly. WHY are our councilors not embracing the huge Provincial investment, and not tying it down to our plans?
    The LRT puts our Metropolis in the 21st Century for our community, our tourist trade, our businesses. It returns our City to the stature it once had and is gaining again through its community members investments, not so much through City Council leadership..... There are a few exceptions. It is time for the Councilors to step up, and quit playing politics, but rather do what is best for our City!

  • Jay Feth says,

    I live on Stoney Creek mountain, take the Red Hill and King Street to work in downtown Hamilton every day. I'm the person who some members of Council believe should NOT support LRT because of the impact that it'll have on my commute.

    But I know that a city is more than my needs - a vibrant, successful city takes into consideration what's best for everyone, is ambitious and looks to the future instead of the next four years of a political mandate.

    It is time that councillors in this city stop thinking of themselves as Lords of their fiefdoms and start to realize that they need to think bigger and be bigger than themselves.

  • Tyler Cowie says,

    I've been a resident here for 33 years, this city has come a long way, LRT is a huge step in becoming the city that we have the potential to be. Nothing good comes easy and it will have it's challenges but I fully support LRT. I hope that this is just political posturing as I am surprised by the lack of vision on this since it was fully supported, studies completed and accepted... time to move this city forward.

  • Erin van Hiel says,

    I'm upset with my city councilor for his opposition to the LRT plan. We need to improve our city's infrastructure and this is the best current proposal for doing it. Stop the political posturing and get the LRT built, now while we have the money! Hamilton has had the experience several times of looking gift horses from the province in the mouth, until the province withdraws the offer - always to our own detriment. We want this. Build it already!

  • Alistair Morton says,

    We moved here in 2009 with the promise of LRT, over the last 7 years, we've watched the fights and eventually the promise come to fruition.

    Now it seems political infighting is threatening the chance we have as a city to progress. Please keep this project moving forward.

  • Joanna Kadlubowska says,

    I fully support the development of the LRT in Hamilton. It's a much needed investment and service for those seeking accessible transit and correcting poor urban planning decisions of past.

    I moved to Hamilton in part because of the proposed project. We have invested in the future of this city. We want cleaner transportation, a walkable downtown core and accessible and reliable transit solutions. We are excited for future, and understand that with growth and progress, there are growing pains.

  • Warren Ferguson says,

    I live in Collins ward and I support the LRT. Hamilton councillors do not screw this up or all your careers will be remembered for is keeping Hamilton in the stone age!

  • Loren King says,

    LRT makes so much sense, for the entire region. A revitalized vibrant urban core is a good thing for the suburbs, and LRT is a solid start to a well-integrated economically diverse and successful region.

  • Andrew Pettit says,

    Elected Representatives,

    While I am momentarily concerned and disappointed in the lack of vision from the Councillor for Ward 5, I remain confident in our great city's council and community to bring this important provincial investment to life. LRT will be transformational for our entire city, near and far from the line, with improved quality of life, regional economy and pride in our city. It won't be without hardship - major construction is never easy - but we will get through it together, following the lead of our councillors and mayor.

    I look forward to our members of council reaffirming their support for the project at next week's GIC meeting, and engaging in meaningful community consultation and momentum building from there.

    A very exciting time for Hamilton and Ontario. Dream big and believe in us!


    Andrew Pettit

    Ward 2 Home Owner
    Hamilton, Ontario

  • James Johnston says,

    Let's improve public transit and continue to re-build Hamilton into a strong city!

  • Melissa Leaist says,

    Any large city needs a solid transit system. LRT is an important part of Hamilton's ability to grow and modernize. Please do NOT squander this funding opportunity.

  • Robyn Sifton says,

    Hamilton needs to be a progressive city and I firmly believe the Lrt project will bring in progressive minds to the city to further economic success. This city was built around cars, but times are changing and it doesnt make sense to stick with a system that is slowly being derouted anyway. Fossil fuels are an energy source of the past and I stand alongside those pushing for a better public transportation system.

  • Patti Encinas says,

    Please bring us LRT! I'm looking forward to using public transit more and my car less.... but not without LRT.

  • Mark Rejhon says,


    I'd like to remind you that this is a big opportunity for Hamilton.

    Ottawa is getting a quick incremental LRT expansion -- in 2013 they approved Phase 2 (Ottawa -- and their Phase 1 doesn't finish till 2018).

    This means Ottawa begin building Phase 2 IMMEDIATELY after Phase 1. So, please, be paitent and agree on LRT+HSR+GO. Hamilton's equivalent would be getting our Phase 2 approved by 2019, in order to achieve contiguous continuous construction after Phase 1.

    Yes, we need city-wide HSR expansion. That's important and we must press for that, too.

    But we cannot turn away a once-in-a-generation opportunity build the Hamilton LRT.

    Yes, we have to begin somewhere.

    Let's point out the B-Line is the only LRT route that actually reaches the biggest possible population on $1bn.

    By Census 2011, 112,015 total population of 519,950 in Wards 1-4 -- almost 25% of population in an area under 10% of Hamilton area.

    Please support LRT and a large HSR transit expansion to mesh with the LRT, as pointed out by the Hamilton Transportion Master Plan. "LRT ready" means keep moving forward on HSR, not holding back on LRT until HSR is ready.

    GO, HSR, and LRT are not mutually exclusive. Please say YES to LRT too.

    Mark D. Rejhon
    Alain H. Bureau
    Citizen Advocacy for Hamilton LRT

  • Craig McNeill says,

    I want council to move this important project forward asap.

  • Karl Andrus says,

    I cannot believe the council is considering for a moment going back on the LRT. The LRT investment will create jobs across the whole city, connect communities and bring more people and money to all the business near the line. The econimic benifits will be felt far outside the line itself. It increase property values connect our communties across the east west line. It will also cost the city nothing! We owe it to the future to begin this project. Please stop rewriting your position and think of the city as a whole and the benefits all to future citizens

  • Matthew Madigan says,

    Our LRT investment and greater public transport initiatives may be the most important legacy we leave to our children. It is imperative for our neighbourhoods, our city, the province and the world that more LRT projects are successfully implemented.

  • Stephen Officer says,

    It is absolutely critical that this city moves forward with the LRT project. As a resident of the Mountain and a McMaster student, I strongly support the development of an LRT system in the downtown core starting in 2019. Get the funding secured NOW. No more beating around the bush, councillors!

  • BettyAnn DmyrrusKo says,

    I fully support the LRT and believe it will be a great boost for our fair city.
    I would hope all the counsellors agree and avoid pettiness regarding it.

  • Candy Venning says,

    I want to live in a city that invests in infrastructure, a good quality of life and great transportation options.

    I don't want to live in a city that constantly looks backwards and fights against progress, creates a two tier systems with the private individual in their private cars as the top tier.

    Let's Ride Together (LRT) Hamilton!

  • Jackie Levitt says,

    Please say YES to the LRT!

  • Laurie Nielsen says,

    Councillors for the downtown core (and the Ancaster area ward), where the LRT will run, still support the project. Please keep the funding intact!
    Thank you.

  • Mary Anne Ablitt-Blain says,

    It is time that our city fathers/mothers stop procrastinating and get on with the task that the people elected you for. The LRT. This is for our future generations and it needs to be done now. Yes, there will be a few growing pains but we must stay committed and strong to this upgrade of our beautiful city for our future generations/citizens. We know that this will assist in our air quality with less vehicles running though the core. Be brave, more forward. This is a good thing.

  • Brian Detlor says,

    Hamilton needs LRT. It's an investment for the city that will spur positive economic and community benefits. Other successful LRT projects around the world are evidence of the strong return on investment that LRT brings to a city and its citizens. Let's make this happen for Hamilton.

  • Kevin Nourian says,

    LRT is essential in Hamiltons transformation into a much more vibrant city. With all the new investment and development happening in downtown, it would be foolish to turn away a project as important as this to the further development of the city. We have something good going here, please don't ruin it.

  • Mike Majcher says,

    Thank you to the province for coming through with the funding for Hamilton's LRT. If allowed to realize it's full potential, it will be one of the biggest advancements that will propel Hamilton into the future. While I'm disappointed that the system is no longer coming out my way to Eastgate Square, I am still looking forward to experiencing how this system improves all of Hamilton's transit. We've got some big challenges ahead with construction, and some big decisions to be made that will enable Hamilton to get the biggest bang for the buck with this. But we also have some very good people on this project doing very good work and if allowed to do so, they'll steer us through successfully. I hope the politicians do not try to make this a political football creating unnecessary fear and doubt, especially with a project that can bring so much good to this city. Please let this project accomplish the right thing that will benefit ALL of Hamilton one way or another.

  • Janet Booy says,

    A healthy city core requires proper city transit for all of Hamilton to benefit. Please ensure the LRT and funding to support Hamilton is embraced. It would be an enormous shame and detriment to Hamilton to bicker away this funding.

  • David Colacci says,

    It is time for Hamilton city council to reaffirm its commitment to a fully provincially funded LRT line. It is time to fully commit to the process and get the work underway. Stop pitting our city against itself! Do the work you have been entrusted to do, and do it with civility and professionalism.

  • Megi Asi says,

    LRT is great and will WORk